
7Sn™ Nutritional Supplements

7Sn™ Nutritional SupplementsThe Holy Herbs Seven Species Nutrition is a food supplement based on our own unique composition that contains all Seven Species to create this unique product. The seven species contain the essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and proteins that our cells need in order to develop properly.

The active ingredients were extracted from each of these plants, through a meticulous and controlled process. It appears that the essential ingredients in these seven species have a profound synergistic effect on one another that enhances our body's health in a very powerful way. Daily consumption of Holy Herbs' nutritional formula will maintain our health and energy, which lead to an improved quality of life. The supplement contains high levels of powerful antioxidants that protect our cells from free radical attacks. It contains active ingredients that help cleanse toxins from the body. And it supplies the daily amount of vitamins, minerals and enzymes required for excellent health. Our dietary supplements are developed for Holy Herbs by Laboratories Herbal Remedies Ltd., one of the leading laboratories based in Israel, specializing in the development and manufacture of dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals and herbal remedies.

Super food produced by Holy Herbs, a first of its kind supplement.

7Sc™ Cosmetics

Organic Cosmetics of Seven Species Natural Extracts

The 7Sc™ Cosmetics formula was developed in accordance with the highest standards of organic cosmetics, which are the cosmetics of the future. Foods that we eat are filtered through several cleansing organs before reaching the blood stream. The world of organic cosmetics is based on the understanding that whatever we apply on our skin is absorbed directly into our bloodstream and affects the function of each of our body's cells and, therefore, our overall health.

  • Contains
  • • The Mask
  • • The Serum
  • • The Day Cream
  • • Ingredients


What does modern science have to say about the Seven Species?

An ancient herbal formula given by the Almighty and found to be the essence of all of our body's needs


Judith Hirsch

In Holy Herbs, all the dots are connected to form an amazing picture. I believe that natural beauty and health are achieved by using natural and organic products to create health within and beauty without. All the components human beings need to create a wellness lifestyle and the success they dream about are here, at Holy Herbs. This is why I am here, too.